Aslanlar Metal Sanayi is one of the leading organizations operating in the water heating industry with the solar since 1980. It has achieved stability in quality by starting to manufacture...more... »»
Coal, oil, natural gas, fossil-based energy sources forms with the modification of layers consisting in the result of accumulating the plant and animal remaining under ground in the swamp areas....more... »»
Our country is fortunate compared to many countries in terms of its potential for solar energy due to its geographical location. It has been determined that Turkey's average annual sunshine duration is 2640 hours (daily total of 7.2 hours), average total solar radiation is 1311 kWh/m2 - year (daily total 3.6 kWh/m2) according to a study conducted by EIE by taking advantages of the sunshine duration and the ray intensity data measured in the General Directorate of State Meteorology Affairs in the years 1966-1982.
However, it has been understood by later...
Domestic hot water output,
Heating and cooling of buildings,
Heating of greenhouses,
Heating of fluids in industrial processes,
Obtaining steam for industrial purposes,
To see Applications we have done so far and Quality Certificates and Certificates we have obtained as AS Güneş Enerji Sistemleri